Jeune Girl Crafts

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Letters to Santa

This afternoon we finally wrote our letters to Santa. I was surprised to see some of the items they suddenly wanted and I'm not quite sure that Santa is "in the know" on some of these but he always does his best and I'm sure that the girls will be happy with all their gifts.

Hard at work... this is serious business!

I'm thinking she's not going to ask for blonder hair.... maybe something to pull it back with would be nice though.
This is her "I can 'cute' my way onto the Nice List" Look:

The signature of a 3 year old (I had to help with the R and the N, the rest is pure Catrina)

Might need to include a map saying "They go under here, Santa!":
(yes, this is my shameless way to include this nice pic I took of the tree today!)

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