Jeune Girl Crafts

Monday, August 18, 2008


We had a nice gathering this weekend with most of the cousins.
With crazy work schedules and distance, it's hard to get the whole group together so we had to take what we could get. It was nice to meet the newest member of the bunch! Catrina was more interested in the toys that they brought and trying to figure out how best to work out a deal where she got to keep the swimming doll.

The pool was freezing so I give credit to Paw-Paw, Cheryl, & Andy for being the only adults to brave the frigid waters. We think Julia is half-fish... she went in the water and hardly came out. Noah was most interested in our little Jeep... his driving skills are a little to be desired (he gets that from his dad). We were shocked to see that Daniella (who just turned 2) is almost as tall as Catrina is at 3.... we think she's going to be 6 ft tall (not shocking considering the parents). And Eliana, well, she was just busy being cute and good. I don't think I heard her cry once and she took a nice nap while I held her.... what can I say, I have that gift.

Hanging with Eliana:

Catrina and Uncle Peter have the same eye color. I do blame Aunt Sharon for that hair do!

With her fairy skills, Catrina made this ball levitate:

Fun with Paw-Paw:

Long Island girls love the water:

Noah decided to wear the entire swim collection:
Getting the gang together is like trying to nail jell-o on the wall:
So we used bribery.... here they are enjoying the prize:

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