We didn't realize it when we woke up the morning of Day 5 that we would be seeing the most stunningly gorgeous scenery of our lives that day.
The day started out like the others, a nice, full breakfast (and a purse full of bananas..... hey, we're cheap what can we say. By taking fruit we saved ourselves a lunch, which was good since the lands we drove through to get to Doolin were pretty desolate). This land was called "The Burren" because it rhymes with "barren" (yes, I made up that fact)
We set off and stopped along the way to see many interesting historic sights. We saw this ruined building along the way and drove down this teeny tiny and super bumpy road and ended up bottoming out our lovely rental (no damage done though!... and Andy made friends with some very friendly local dogs who just wanted to say hi as he was checking for damage)
As we continued along we noticed along this road more than anywhere else in our travels just how varying the weather can be from one second to the next. You could be driving into the bleakest, darkest sky while just to the north or south, the sky would be totally clear. Some of our photos from this day show this point.
Andy, bless his heart, did such a great job of mapping out our trip and finding points of interest. He really wanted to see Poulnadrone Dolmen.... an ancient tomb (well, they say it's a tomb) that dates back several thousand years before Christ. To look at it in photos... it looks enormous. We pulled into the parking lot and said "where is it?". We set off on our walk thinking it must be quite far since we couldn't see it from the parking lot.... alas... no... it was just smaller than expected. It was about 5 1/2 feet tall. Still, it looked cool and I got some cool photos of it.
As we pulled into the adorable town of Doolin, the sky turned dark and the wind kicked up to the point where I didn't want to get out of the car! Our bed and breakfast lady even said that the Cliffs (what cliffs you ask? oh, just wait) would not be good this day due to the wind and the rain. Not to be deterred since we had one day in Doolin, we set off in the hopes of seeing some awesome cliffs. As we pulled into the parking lot (that would cost us 8 Euro to park in!) the sky turned BLACK. I was pretty miserable since this was the one sight I really wanted to see. So we kept on driving and saw a cute town (that was under clear skies, of course!). After about an hour we decided that we had to go to the cliffs or miss our chance. As we pulled in the parking lot we were greeted by (another) beautiful rainbow (the Leprechauns must have gone broke while we were there!) and we set off on our walk. The walk was difficult since we had 60mph winds blowing us back. We never expected to see this:
Cliffs of Moher:
As luck would have it, waiting the extra hour was perfect. We were able to experience the Cliffs at sunset.... heaven on earth!
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