Friday was Catrina's last day of preschool. She had the same teacher as Brynne but a completely different experience. They have very different personalities and it really showed when comparing their first days at school. Catrina is a very social person and formed strong relationships (notice I didn't say FRIENDSHIPS... LOL... while she did make many friends, her attention was often on who did and didn't speak to her and on the group games she played on the playground... which always seemed to center on someone being a monster and the other kids running away).
So now, it's me and C... all day everyday! (you know what that means!! MORE PICTURES!!) She will be attending playschool again for their summer program and Brynne will be going to a few nature and science related camps.

On Saturday.... Andy declared the pool officially READY. The 60 degree temperature didn't slow any of them down. The 3 of them spent the better part of Saturday (and Sunday... I'm just assuming since I'm writing this Sunday morning) swimming and playing.

2 seconds later... Shamu tossed her:

Oh, and I caught a colorful visitor to our bird feeder:

So now, it's me and C... all day everyday! (you know what that means!! MORE PICTURES!!) She will be attending playschool again for their summer program and Brynne will be going to a few nature and science related camps.

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