Jeune Girl Crafts

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

With cousin Caitlin and Paw-Paw visiting we decided to take a trip over to Vanderbilt Mansion again to show them the gardens and river views. I didn't know my girls were such little monkeys! They wanted to climb every tree on the property (on the way out we saw the sign that said "no climbing on trees". As I've said before, we Curriers aren't rule followers!) We followed this up with a trip to the Everready Diner (again!).

Tree Climber:

At the Hudson River:

Happy Cousins (Catrina was too cranky to pose)

Always the comedienne:

Just another flower in the garden:

Going on an "adventure"

Probably one of the last pictures of Catrina smiling this day... she was pretty cranky.

Ok, I lied... one more content photo but that's IT I swear!

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